Deutsche Schule Mailand - Scuola Germanica di Milano
business@school: DSM Team wins international final!

business@school: DSM Team wins international final!

Patrick Alworth, Lorenzo Cremascoli, Emma Goeransson, Carla Locatelli, Gabriela Osti, Sara Ronchi and Giacomo Strada represented the German School of Milan in the international final of the Boston Consulting Group initiative business@school and won it with a convincing, enthusiastic, passionate and almost professional presentation.

They convinced the jury with their drug-detecting straw TWID, a fully sustainable product which will help women and men to protect themselves from people that put drugs into their drinks.

We congratulate our students for their great team work and victory.

Sylvère Schumann - responsible for the BCG initative at the DSM



Deutsche Schule Mailand - Scuola Germanica di Milano
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