Deutsche Schule Mailand - Scuola Germanica di Milano


DSM team wins international final!!!

Davide Paoletti, Alessandro Spence, Loreley Prinoth, Vittoria Martinetti, Greta Blöchle and Tommaso Reuter won the European final of the BCG initiative business@school in Zürich on June 11 with their innovative business idea creAIding, which uses AI to make people read more!

The jury complimented them for their convincing and thoroughly worked out business idea and called them a shining team!

DSM's fifth victory at the international finals in the last ten years!

Special thanks to our coaches Stefan Ausmann and Laura Freiwald and everybody who supported us this year!

Sylvère Schumann – Tutor

Deutsche Schule Mailand - Scuola Germanica di Milano
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