Deutsche Schule Mailand - Scuola Germanica di Milano
And the winner is ... TWID

And the winner is ... TWID

Patrick Alworth, Lorenzo Cremascoli, Emma Goeransson, Carla Locatelli, Gabriela Osti, Sara Ronchi and Giacomo Strada represented the German School of Milan in the Italian final of Boston Consulting Group initiative business@school and won it with a convincing and almost professional presentation. They convinced the jury with their drug-detecting straw TWID, which stands for Test While I drink. This fully sustainable product will help women and men to protect themselves from people that put drugs into their drinks. Our short elevator pitch will give you a better idea of our product, mission and vision.

The DSM team convinced in all aspects and are now hoping to win the international final on June 14, 2022!

We would like to thank the Boston Consulting Group for this unique initiative, in which students can develop the key skills required nowadays and in future.

Fundamental was also the role of the BCG coaches Federico Violano and Simone de Pra, who helped them overcome several obstacles. But there are many more people that contributed to our success and we would like to tell them how much we appreciated what they have done for us. Thank you Thomas Hanel, Antonio Ratti, Stefan Hengge, Paolo Peroli, Sina Ghahreman, Martha Wintour, Massimo Melis, Rossella Iannucci, Antonio Carlucci, Goffredo Gucciludolf, Anahid Mantl and Alexander Ludwig.

Sylvère Schumann - teacher responsible for the business@school initiative at the DSM

Watch the short elevator pitch

Deutsche Schule Mailand - Scuola Germanica di Milano
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